Awesome Facebook Page : Akaun Oh Accounts

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Assalamualaikum WBT

It was like this ...
SPM had just started and it quite typical for us students to feel anxious, having butterflies in our stomach, and felt as if we were on the edge of our seats 
As for me, I felt the same way too, the feelings grew bigger and deadlier through my SPM days as my PA paper was literally peeking around the corner .. jk :P hahahah
I was feeling quite skeptical and dubious of my performance in the foretold subject so I felt that during the breaks, I needed to do something to ensure that my PA survive from being murdered by the HOTs nowadays
So, I went through the net and eventually I looked up on my FB account and stumbled upon my saviour ^_^ !!

Akaun Oh Accounts
click above to go to the page

Alhamdulillah , Allah SWT guided me to this very FB page
With Cikgu Faezah's help and expertise, I could understand the basic concepts of PA in depth
And finally, Alhamdulillah, all praise is to Allah, I was able to answer the 2015 Prinsip Perakaunan papers swiftly and steadily ... well, even though the tearing and tearing of our exam papers were quite a nuisance to us (me je kot) hahahaha ... oh well, c'est la vie

Some of the exclusive features of Akaun Oh Accounts, are :

☆ Ecstatic, knowledgeable, funny (tehehehe), and experienced teacher and co-foundress of the page ... drumrolls to Cikgu Faezah !!! Wohoo !!! With 28 years (or so if I'm not mistaken) experience of teaching PA, her knowledge is far out guys and gals
☆ Brilliant and useful formulae which would bring yourself out of utter depression on memorising 
☆ An online video tutoring is available with reasonable prices
☆ Exercises provided within the on-line tutoring are challenging and up-to-date fulfilling the requisites of HOTs, as well as step-by-step tutorials on how to answer them in a blink of an eye
☆ Astounding tips provided along the way to ace yourself through your exams

These are the few features I dug up from the page
I really really really do recommend students to scroll through the page and subscribe yourself to the online tutoring
Like Cikgu Faezah said : "Ingat Akaun, Ingat Faezah"

The formulae founded by Cikgu Faezah ... very useful

Akaun Oh Accounts

wa ila l-liqa' 

Note : this entry will be updated in necessity for further citations and adjustments. tq

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